Where it all began ...


For as long as I can remember, I have loved the Ocean, I loved the JAWS movies and all the wildlife programs about the Ocean - so vast, infinite, full of wonder and most of all, full of life.
I must have been around 11 years old when my mother asked me: "Darling, have you had any thoughts on what you would like to do when you grow up?", I remember smiling and saying, "Yes, I want to be an Underwater Photographer" .....

..... it was always my dream to live somewhere hot and sunny where I would be close to the Ocean. Born in Tenerife, Spain, the island life runs through my veins. I grew up in Exeter, Devon, England from the age of 2 until the age of 23. It was inevitable for me pack up my home and life in England and venture out into the wild world. I always knew deep down I had a calling that didn't involve staying in England.

In 2002, I travelled through SE Asia and Australia, learning to dive and working in Dive Centers. Funnily enough, I did my PADI Instructor Course in the colds of England, I thought it would toughen me up and I'm pretty sure it did, although, without a doubt, I'm a fair weather diver!

After traveling and diving through many countries, I finally arrived on Grand Cayman as a Dive Instructor in September 2005.

I irrevocably fell in love with Grand Cayman and her Crystal Clear Waters. Everything seemed to click and it felt like home. I met a photographer in a bar one night and he offered me a job - as an Underwater Videographer/Photographer.

And so my photography journey really started.

I stayed in this job for 15 years before taking a leap of faith and opening my own business, Pura Vida Photography Ltd, in January 2020.

The rest, as they say, is history.

I Hope to see you soon!

It's OK! You can stop looking, you have found me ...

Looking for a fun and creative photographer?

Let's go on an adventure and make a little magic.

Every shoot, location, individual, couple, family and [not forgetting our Stingrays!] are totally unique. Each bring their own defining energy and spirit.

My aim is to tune into my client's energy and capture how the magic unfolds. I feel this brings the most natural photographs that depict character and freezes a moment that could easily be lost and forgotten.

~ Color Splashed and Ocean Infused ~
Pura Vida Photography by Amanda Nicholls

I want, I want